
The Client

Commercebuild is a new disruptive B2B-specific eCommerce business, differentiating itself in the market by connecting directly into a company's ERP platform and revealing all of that functionality online. The leadership team at Commercebuild had already worked with Buyingtime on the identity back in 2019, but as the business started to scale globally there was a need to bring the brand to life for staff and customers, some of whom had only met online.

Dog in someones arms and icons
A hedgehog in a teacup - confused icon

The Challenge

The leadership at Commercebuild had scaled several businesses previously, and recognised the value of building a culture that aligned with a core company USP. The challenge was to build company mission / vision and purpose statements that focused on their core USP - customer commitment. Once finished, the next stage would be to bring these statements to life with really meaningful and emotive creative work that would resonate across staff, partners and some customers.

The Solution

A dog chasing a bird with data icon
A dog with a party hat


Megaphone icon

Commercebuild is a new disruptive B2B-specific eCommerce business, differentiating itself in the market by connecting directly into a company's ERP platform and revealing all of that functionality online. The leadership team at Commercebuild had already worked with Buyingtime on the identity back in 2019, but as the business started to scale globally there was a need to bring the brand to life for staff and customers, some of whom had only met online.

The Client

Commerce Futures events are a celebration of those strange conjunctions of vendor sales people, and sales-people-targets, together in a room where no selling happens. And that’s why they work so well.

Our events leverage the attraction of masterfully crafted, honest and helpful content, and give partners the opportunity to put their names to an event tailored to their target demographic. A much nicer approach. One that ties beautifully into the modern “thought leader” approach to sales.
Two glasses clinking at a CF event
Two glasses clinking at a CF event

The Challenge

Commerce Futures events are a celebration of those strange conjunctions of vendor sales people, and sales-people-targets, together in a room where no selling happens. And that’s why they work so well.

Our events leverage the attraction of masterfully crafted, honest and helpful content, and give partners the opportunity to put their names to an event tailored to their target demographic. A much nicer approach. One that ties beautifully into the modern “thought leader” approach to sales.

The Solution

Commerce Futures events are a celebration of those strange conjunctions of vendor sales people, and sales-people-targets, together in a room where no selling happens. And that’s why they work so well.

Our events leverage the attraction of masterfully crafted, honest and helpful content, and give partners the opportunity to put their names to an event tailored to their target demographic. A much nicer approach. One that ties beautifully into the modern “thought leader” approach to sales.
Two glasses clinking at a CF event
Two glasses clinking at a CF event

The Outcome

Commerce Futures events are a celebration of those strange conjunctions of vendor sales people, and sales-people-targets, together in a room where no selling happens. And that’s why they work so well.

Our events leverage the attraction of masterfully crafted, honest and helpful content, and give partners the opportunity to put their names to an event tailored to their target demographic. A much nicer approach. One that ties beautifully into the modern “thought leader” approach to sales.

“Buyingtime found that sweet spot between what we felt we represented as a brand, how we saw ourselves, and how our customers and staff really viewed us. Then they brought it to life across digital and print for the whole company to rally around.”



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We try and inject some humanity back into tech, and we practice what we preach. Want to join a team that pushes for the right thing, even if its not the most profitable right now? We've got jobs going!
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