Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully, not frequently asked twice.

We talk a lot about Buyingtime’s flavour of ABM. It’s not too different to regular ABM, but we add a few extra little bits on here and there, to make it super effective. All is explained below.

Confused puppy
What is ABM?

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a marketing strategy that puts extra emphasis on finding the best possible prospects for your company, and targeting those above all. At Buyingtime we’re uniquely equipped to do this.

To make our account-based marketing so effective, we use our diverse skillsets to pul every marketing lever possible. Human, empathetic outreach on the phones that builds real relationships with your prospects. Targeted, engaging copy and content that always hits the right message. Warm, inviting events that put your prospects at ease and help them open up about their challenges and goals, knowing they will never be sold to. And rigorous, detail-obsessed data to carry it all forward. We test everything, and we learn from every test to improve. That’s why when we book you meetings, they are exceptionally high-quality and highly-qualified. 

What does ABM help with?

ABM concentrates resources on the set of target accounts within a businesses target market. It focuses on the businesses and people within those businesses that are most valuable to you, and would benefit most from your offerings.

Specifically, account-based marketing helps SaaS businesses overcome a number of businesses problems. For example, if you find your sales teams churn though leads too fast, and that if the account they’re talking to isn’t ready to buy in that moment, they kill the lead. Or when your businesses has no existing accurate information on potential prospects, so you’re forced to perpetually hunt for new opportunities instead of nurturing current relationships. Or if your business has grown solely by relying on referrals in your founder’s network, and now they’re stepping away and you need help to build new relationships. 

What is ABM in SaaS?

Account-based marketing in SaaS is the most effective way to build lasting business relationships. That’s important, because SaaS is under immense pressure to grow profitably – and to do so, you need to have clients that will stay and grow with you.

Buyingtime ABM for SaaS rigorously targets and builds relationships with key contacts in the accounts that have a genuine need for what you offer. We build a network of people within those organisations, and learn everything we can about them and their challenges. Then, we hand that relationship over to you, complete with everything we have learnt. From there, you can build a relationship with that business that spans years. Recurring revenue is king, after all!

What does an ABM agency do?

An ABM agency finds your best prospects and turns them into your best customers. Buyingtime tirelessly sources and builds a bespoke data set of accounts that have a need for your offering, and refine them over time while building genuine connections with the people that work there. We use content to spread awareness of your brand, events to get your ideal customers in a room and get them talking about what they need help with, and outreach to speak to them and form a connection.

Then we book a meeting. And we hand over everything we’ve learnt about the prospect – from their main troubles to what they like to have for lunch – and let you do what you do best: deliver.

Does account-based marketing work?

Yes! It can take a little time, but if you’re patient, it pays off. Big time. Account-based marketing is all about forming real connections with people, and then nurturing them until the tim is just right. Unlike usual sales, if a person isn’t ready to sign on the dotted line quite yet, we don’t bin them off. Instead, we keep in touch, stay relevant, and offer any help we can along the way. That way, when the time is right, you’re the first person they think of.

Winning big projects with customers that stay and grow with you is not a quick process. But it’s far more profitable in the long run. Recurring revenue is king, and with SaaS businesses under pressure to grow profitably, that’s really important. 

What is the difference between ABM and cold calling?

Where cold calling is a numbers game, ABM is about quality over quantity. Many of the problems that SaaS and Martech businesses come to us to solve stems from this ‘buy or goodbye’ mentality. Sales representatives call a huge list of leads, and when someone doesn’t say “Yes” to buying the product, they strike that contact from their records. Account-based marketing, however, plays the long game. With ABM, we nurture relationships, and target a much smaller but more fruitful data set. We build quality relationships over time, and have multiple touchpoints along the journey from contact to closing. That ranges from a phonecall, to a coffee at an event, to a beer, to an email exchange – whatever it takes. And typically, deals won with AM last longer than those from cold calling. 

Still need help?

If you have any burning questions that aren’t answered here, get in touch! It will keep the team out of trouble.