What the F*** is #NoRocketships?

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A little bit of ABM, a lot of frank, honest chatter about eCommerce SaaS vendors.

#NoRocketships is a newsletter, made up of the ramblings and predictions of our 'illustrious leader' (he gave himself that title) as he ponders his eCommerce orb. It's for SaaS leaders that want a frank, no bullsh*t accounting of everything in eCommerce; what brands think about vendors, what they care about, what problems they face...and what SaaS businesses might want to do about it.
Screenshot from the NoRocketships newsletter

Six reasons you should subscribe

Each issue is "Juicy, helpful, and not lame in any way," – Ben Mercer, NoRocketships fanboy (and Personify founder).

An agenda-free and candid accounting of what's happening in the market.

Fresh (and subtle) insults for you to sling at the office knob each issue.

We tell you what your customers really think about you, and your competitors. And what you should be worrying about.

Everything we talk about is informed by or comes from eCommerce brand leaders – and we share what we can with your vendors so you're honest and accountable.

What our readers say about us

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"Well written (entertaining!) as always. LOVE IT!"

Jasmin Guthmann

"Great email. Very easy but informative read."


"Nice work here Jamie (and your team), always an interesting reflection, I think these work well, and geez just nice to be a little different and a little provocative. Got to have some fun."

Neil Trickett

"This is the best email i get every week mate. Genuinely! Bravo for being so honest. I wish everybody else was!"

Michael Schirrmacher

"Ok; so the newsletter is the ONLY honest thing I read all month." – Michael Schirrmacher, humble vendor man. Want to see what he's on about? Sign up below!

NoRocketships not for you?

Living it up on the customer side of life, and not on the dark side among vendors? Join our Future of Commerce newsletter!
Screenshot from 'The Future of Commerce' newsletter
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