7 Proven ABM Targeting Tactics for Maximum Results

Account-based marketing (ABM) has become an essential strategy for businesses seeking to maximise their marketing efforts. Which, with marketing getting crushed right now, is every business. By targeting specific accounts rather than a broad audience, ABM allows for highly personalised and effective campaigns.

However, ABM has also become a throwaway term. Everyone and their nan claim to do ABM these days, but many are only scanning some watery 6sense information and firing off a couple hundred half-baked sales emails – a thin veneer. And then wonder why it’s only low-hanging fruit that drops. But, instead of lecturing from on-high about where these imposter account-based marketing programs go wrong, we will be positive. Helpful.

So, in this article, we will explore seven proven ABM targeting tactics to help you achieve maximum results and drive business growth.

Understanding ABM Targeting Tactics

The Importance of ABM Targeting

Target. Specific. Singular. Accounts. This alone might be the most key component of a successful ABM strategy. By focusing your efforts on a select group of high-potential accounts, you can tailor your messaging and deliver highly personalised experiences. This targeted approach allows you to build stronger relationships with key decision-makers and increase your chances of generating quality leads and driving revenue.

Key Components of Effective ABM Targeting

Effective ABM targeting requires several key components to work together to identify and engage with the right accounts. These components include account selection and segmentation, personalised messaging, multi-channel engagement, sales and marketing alignment, predictive analytics, content marketing, and measurement and optimisation. And because they all contribute to your ABM campaign success, they all deserve some lovin’ and a section each.

Account Selection and Segmentation

ABM targeting is vital, so your first step is to identify and select the right accounts to focus on. But don’t go in blind – start by first analysing your existing customer base. Once you have a clear picture of your existing customers, you can begin to look at the market in a wider context. Conduct market research and leverage data-driven industry insights, then compare these findings to what you know about your customers to determine which new accounts have the highest potential for revenue growth.

Having identified your target accounts, your next step is to segment them. Start broad; industry, company size, revenue, and buying behaviour. This top-level segmentation allows you to tailor your messaging and approach to each account, increasing the chances of success. Once you start to engage with those accounts, you’ll soon recognise patterns and similarities – which you can use to further segment.

Personalised Messaging

In ABM targeting, one-size-fits-all messaging doesn't cut it. To effectively engage with your target accounts, you must deliver personalised messages that resonate with their specific pain points, challenges, and goals. This requires a deep understanding of each account's needs and preferences.

However, you can go deeper still. Remember – it’s people who make purchase decisions. And every conversation you have is an opportunity for you to gather further information that you can use to personalise your messaging.

CEO Dave couldn’t talk last week because he’s in and out of interviews for a new hire? Personalise; send him a swipe file that he can flick through when he has a spare five minutes. Claire from Marketing is hesitant because she got burnt by the last vendor? Be sympathetic, and offer her the chance to speak to one of your clients so she can hear what you’re like from an uninterested party. By crafting personalised messages that address people’s unique needs, you can capture their attention and establish a meaningful connection.

Multi-Channel Engagement

Gone are the days of relying solely on one channel to reach your target accounts. In today's digital landscape, engaging with your audience across multiple channels, such as email, social media, content marketing, and events, is crucial. This multi-channel approach ensures that your message reaches your target accounts through their preferred communication channels, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

And you can be creative. You don’t have to solely post “exciting” announcements about the latest business that you’re “thrilled” to be partnering with. Each channel has a distinct feel to it. A little nuance in how users like to engage.

LinkedIn is a good example – it’s ‘we’ focused. Users want to be spoken with, not lectured to – imagine you’re speaking to your colleagues (the ones you like). And we could all benefit from replacing our obsession with LinkedIn as a place to put “professional” content and swapping it out for “leadership” content instead. Leadership can be (should be) entertaining – and I, for one, would like to see some content that doesn’t read like Chris Whitty’s 87th passionless uttering of “next slide, please.”

Sales and Marketing Alignment

Effective ABM targeting requires close collaboration and alignment between your sales and marketing teams. By working together, these two teams can share valuable insights, coordinate efforts, and ensure a seamless experience for your target accounts. This alignment ensures that your messaging is consistent and that your sales team is equipped with the right information to engage with prospects and move them through the sales funnel.

We’ve spoken about aligning your sales and marketing functions before – at length. And it’s getting much, much better. This pleases us greatly. Big smile.

Predictive Analytics

One of the most powerful tools in ABM targeting is predictive analytics. By leveraging data and advanced analytics techniques, you can identify patterns and trends that indicate which accounts are most likely to convert. This allows you to prioritise your efforts and focus on the accounts that have the highest potential for success. Predictive analytics also enables you to personalise your messaging and approach based on the predicted behaviour of each account, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Plus, you sound very intelligent when you say you use ‘predictive analytics’.

Content Marketing

Content marketing plays a crucial role in ABM targeting. By creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and educational content, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and build trust with your target accounts. Content marketing also allows you to address your target accounts' specific pain points and challenges, positioning your solution as the ideal choice. Whether it's blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, or webinars, content marketing can significantly contribute to your ABM success.

But again; know thy audience. And know thy place. Your targets loathe condescending and vapid content about how they can do their jobs better. We know – our Commerce Futures Community told us. However, they value content that educates them on getting more from your product/service. Food for thought.

Measurement and Optimisation

Lastly, effective ABM targeting requires continuous measurement and optimisation. By tracking key metrics such as engagement rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated, you can assess the effectiveness of your targeting tactics and make data-driven decisions to improve your results. Regularly analysing and optimising your ABM targeting efforts ensures that you are constantly improving and maximising your return on investment.

The 7 Proven ABM Tactics

Account-based marketing (ABM) has become popularised for targeting and engaging high-value accounts. Campaigns are ten a penny, but in our opinion, most are as honest, have as much personality, and are as effective as the copy on your average B2B tech company site.

Or perhaps we’re just salty we’re not as “passionate about helping you 10X your pipeline” as the 32 world number one leading, all-in-one AI-powered platforms we saw last week.

By focusing on the right personalised and targeted messaging, ABM does allow companies to build stronger relationships and drive meaningful interactions with their most valuable prospects. But the right tactic is key. So here are seven proven ABM tactics that can help you achieve success in your ABM journey.

Tactic 1: Account Selection and Segmentation

Before embarking on your ABM journey, it's crucial to identify the accounts that align with your business objectives. Conduct thorough research to determine which accounts are most likely to benefit from your product or service and have the highest potential for conversion. Once you've identified these accounts, segment them based on relevant criteria such as industry, company size, or geographic location. This segmentation will allow you to tailor your messaging and campaigns to resonate with each account's unique needs and challenges.

For example, if you're a software company targeting the healthcare industry, you may want to segment your accounts based on factors such as hospital size, specific healthcare specialities, or geographic regions with a high concentration of healthcare providers. This level of granularity will enable you to craft highly targeted and relevant messaging that speaks directly to the pain points and challenges each account faces.

Tactic 2: Personalised Messaging

Gone are the days of generic, one-size-fits-all marketing messages. In ABM, personalised messaging is king. Take the time to understand each account's pain points, goals, and values. Craft messaging that speaks directly to their needs and aspirations. Use personalisation technologies and dynamic content to deliver tailored experiences across all touchpoints. By speaking directly to the individual needs of each account, you can build trust, credibility, and engagement.

For instance, if you're targeting a large manufacturing company, you might tailor your messaging to highlight how your product can help streamline their production processes, reduce costs, or improve product quality. By addressing their specific pain points and goals, you can demonstrate the value of your solution and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Tactic 3: Multi-Channel Engagement

Engaging with your target accounts across multiple channels is essential to maximise your reach and impact. Utilise a combination of channels such as email, social media, content marketing, events, and direct mail to deliver your personalised messages. By leveraging multiple touchpoints, you can ensure that your messages reach your intended audience and increase the chances of capturing their attention and driving meaningful interactions.

For example, you could start by sending a personalised email to introduce your company and its value proposition. Then, follow up with targeted social media ads to reinforce your message and create brand awareness. Additionally, you could invite key decision-makers from your target accounts to exclusive events or webinars where they can learn more about your product and engage with your team directly.

Tactic 4: Sales and Marketing Alignment

In ABM, sales and marketing alignment is crucial for success. Both teams must work together seamlessly and share a common goal of targeting, engaging, and converting high-value accounts. Regular communication, collaboration, and shared metrics can help align these teams and ensure they work towards a common objective. By aligning sales and marketing efforts, you can deliver a cohesive and consistent experience to your target accounts, increasing your chances of success.

For instance, marketing can provide sales with valuable insights and data on target accounts, enabling them to have more informed and personalised conversations. On the other hand, sales can provide feedback on the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and help identify areas for improvement. By working together, sales and marketing teams can create a seamless customer journey and drive better results.

Tactic 5: Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics can be a game-changer in ABM. By leveraging data and advanced analytics, you can gain valuable insights into which accounts are most likely to convert and which tactics are most effective. Use predictive modelling techniques to prioritise your efforts and allocate resources where they will have the highest impact. By taking a data-driven approach, you can optimise your targeting tactics and drive better results.

For example, you can use predictive analytics to identify patterns and trends in your existing customer data. By analysing factors such as company size, industry, past purchase behaviour, and online engagement, you can create a predictive model that identifies accounts with a high likelihood of conversion. This allows you to focus your resources on the accounts that are most likely to generate revenue and maximise your ROI.

Tactic 6: Content Marketing

Content marketing plays a pivotal role in ABM by providing valuable and relevant information to your target accounts. Create engaging and informative content that addresses their pain points and offers solutions. This can include blog posts, e-books, videos, case studies, and more. Share this content with your target accounts through personalised emails, social media, and other channels to position your brand as a thought leader and build trust.

For instance, if you're targeting financial institutions, you could create educational content that explains complex financial concepts or provides insights into industry trends. By sharing this content with your target accounts, you can establish your company as a trusted advisor and build credibility. This, in turn, can increase the likelihood of conversion and long-term customer loyalty.

Tactic 7: Measurement and Optimisation

No ABM strategy is complete without measurement and optimisation. Track and analyse the performance of your campaigns, measure key metrics, and identify areas for improvement. Continuously test different tactics, messaging, and channels to refine and optimise your targeting approach. By regularly assessing and optimising your ABM tactics, you can ensure that you are maximising your results and driving business growth.

For example, you could track metrics such as conversion rates, engagement levels, and revenue generated from your ABM campaigns. Analyse the data to identify patterns and trends, and use these insights to refine your targeting, messaging, and overall strategy. By continuously optimising your ABM tactics, you can stay ahead of the competition and drive better results over time.

In conclusion, implementing these proven ABM tactics can significantly enhance your chances of success in targeting and engaging high-value accounts. By focusing on account selection and segmentation, personalised messaging, multi-channel engagement, sales and marketing alignment, predictive analytics, content marketing, and measurement and optimisation, you can create a powerful ABM strategy that drives meaningful results for your business.

Maximising Results with ABM Tactics

The Role of ABM Tactics in Business Growth

ABM tactics play a crucial role in driving business growth by focusing your efforts on high-potential accounts and delivering personalised experiences. By targeting specific accounts and tailoring your messaging, you can build stronger relationships, generate quality leads, and increase revenue. ABM tactics allow you to cut through the noise and connect with the right individuals, making a significant impact on your bottom line.

Achieving Business Goals with ABM Tactics

ABM tactics can help you achieve your business goals by providing a strategic and focused approach to marketing. By identifying the right accounts, delivering personalised messaging, engaging across multiple channels, aligning sales and marketing efforts, leveraging predictive analytics, utilising content marketing, and measuring and optimising your campaigns, you can increase your chances of success and achieve tangible business outcomes.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation in ABM Tactics

ABM is not a one-time, set-it-and-forget-it strategy. It requires continuous improvement and adaptation to stay relevant and effective. Monitor industry trends, stay informed about your target accounts' evolving needs, and adjust your tactics accordingly. Embrace agility and be willing to experiment with new approaches to keep your ABM strategy fresh and impactful.

Now that you are armed with these seven proven ABM targeting tactics, it's time to put them into action. By incorporating these tactics into your ABM strategy, you can maximise your results, drive business growth, and stay ahead of the competition in today's highly personalised and competitive marketing landscape.


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