ABM, SaaS, Bald Guy in a Vest: Declaring War on B2B Demand Generation

It turns out, Buyingtime has a YouTube channel. Who knew? (I didn’t).

That means that in addition to our monthly (ish) newsletter, NoRocketships, there is an extra pool of content with which to bless your retinas.

If you like our newsletter, you’re in luck – it’s in a similar vein to the rants and crystal-ball predictions that so many of you are fond of NoRocketships for.

Our ‘illustrious leader’ (self-given title) has committed more time to throwing on his best vest and pondering his eCommerce orb. This latest series of videos – in both shorts and full-length, for your viewing pleasure (or media-stunted attention span) – is more ABM-focused. But, ABM focused on a purpose that should be beneficial to all; to dissipate the smoke and shatter the mirrors clouding SaaS marketing.

It’s called ‘Tank Top Diaries’ (another obscure name, you’re welcome). And this latest episode is all about the most recent yet elusive fixation in B2B SaaS marketing, “demand generation.”

It’s a pile of crap (demand generation, not the video). And we’ve decided – for better or for worse – to wage war on the term. A campaign for the greater good. For greater marketing.

We won’t give too much away here, but suffice it to say that we’ve got a bee in our bonnet about vendors and agencies adopting the account-based marketing moniker…when in truth they’re little more than dolled-up lead generation campaigns.

We’re all for more marketing, but call it what it is.

So, if you fancy more zero-bullsh*t rambling, head on over to the YouTube channel, where you can bask in the ring-lit glory of our very own influencer-in-the-making.

Like, subscribe, hit the notification button – you know the drill.

And if you haven’t already, do sign up for NoRocketships. If the learnings and ponderings aren’t to your liking, we feature an ‘insult of the month’ in each issue – so you’ll at least have some new words to sling at the office knob.

Reckon the Tank Top Diaries ‘has legs’? Show it some love on LinkedIn. Or hate, I guess – it’s a free platform and we can’t stop you.


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