Data Services


Sales and Marketing Data Consulting

In a data-driven world, the sales and marketing process is too often rendered ineffective due to poor targeting and shoddy contact data. Going back to basics is often essential - sorry about that.

Our data services team operates an advisory service that enables you to maximise the effectiveness of their sales campaigns - only targeting companies and individuals who can afford and benefit from your service. How?

  • Describe the perfect new customer - we start with the most attractive and work outwards

  • Where are you referenceable? Do you start where you have customers already?

  • Verticals, sectors, sub-verticals and regions - where are you really best digging?

  • Wide or Deep? Do you probe a single company to its depths or profile the top 100?

Our data consulting services start with an interrogation of your existing datasets, testing your appetites and ambitions with a view to specifying a data project that will give you an accurate universe of the most desirable targets.


Have you ever wished that you knew the key pieces of information about a target company before you invested time and energy into selling to them? We can help.

Technology suppliers, Acquiring Bank, Core IT Systems, Regions of operation, reporting structures... all critical to know during many sales processes - but often uncovered too late to help or hinder you. We can research all of these items before we even build any contact data - once again maximising the effectiveness of your sales projects.


Our clients need to have the correct and relevant contact data or improve that which they have for their existing targets - trying to deliver a proposition to the wrong contact is fruitless.

Our data detectives spend their time exhaustively and accurately creating contact universes against a tight brief.

We always craft multiple contacts for each target company, often across multiple regions and office locations - but always with great contact information and email addresses - as well as any intelligence we can find about the company and its internal structure.

Let's face it - your contact data is out of shape, and the longer you leave it the worse it is. Sometimes the only answer is great data. Without it we simply cannot start a Lead generation project.